Archive for Desember 22, 2011


tepat di hari ibu ini aq menemukan sebuah lagu yang aq rasa paaaaas bgtz merasuk ke dalam hatiquw…

ibu… sosok yang sangat aq banggakan, sangat aq sayangi, sangat aq cintai… melebihi apapun yang ada di dunia ini…

karena ibu… yang selalu menguatkan aq… selalu membimbing dan menemani aq tanpa ada sedikitpun keluh kesah…

ibu… sungguh aq takkan bisa jauh darimu… love u so very much, ibu… :*

nie lagunya… judulnya mommy & me…

Mommy & me, together… That’s what I see, forever

Closer each day… Finding our way

And finding out all we can be… And it all starts with… Mommy & me

Games that we play, together… Make every day, together

More than just fun… We’re more than just one

We’re something to see… Mommy & me

Through thick and thin, together… Good times begin, together

We laugh a lot… How could we not

We’ree cute as can be… Mommy & me

We’re laughing, loving, learning, though… This time goes, so fast

We’re planting seeds, and memories… And dreams that will last

Songs that we sing, together… Friends that we bring, together

Everything new… Shows me, it’s true

There’s nothong at all we can’t be…

And it all starts with… Mommy & me

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